I figured I'd subsume this link for anyone who may accept missed it the fundamental bout all over. Whether you click on the link below and are due for an coercion pack (you can avail one every 23 hours), the link testament concede you to benefit an impulse pack, still whether you hold not been sent an compel pack by a companion mafia member. On the other hand, before clicking the link below and avail your impulse pack, study up on the coercion pack strategy so you don't away the pack!
My definite power pack no longer works. Where can I arouse the Mafia Wars Toolbar; the link disappeared. Benefit?
You can re-download the toolbar at http://toolbar.zynga.com . Provided you gain it installed and it does not effort, jab re-installing or using a contradistinct internet browser.
Alternatively, I get going a solid advise by a guy named Arun detailing how you can amuse the little vigour pack without the toolbar. Here's how:
1. Log into Facebook.
2. Potency here: http://toolbar.zynga.com/game_iframe_proxy.php?playing=true
3. Click "log in" and grant whatever you commitment to to receive to the ensuing shade. Whether you don't obtain a log in shade, you've already done this before; proceed to pace 4.
4. Drive here: http://toolbar.zynga.com/click.php?to=mwgamestatsplaynow
5. The confine!
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