Sunday, February 13, 2011

Historic Significance

After lenghty travels throughout India and Tibet, the architect Agustin Salvat firm to build an ashram in Mexico. Four decades ago he discovered the prototype attractive qualities all-important in a wooded field to the north of Valle de Bravo in the Control of Mexico and proceeded to constitute the Loto Azul. The building customary was based on a esteem for the world using counted on materials such as adobe, stone and wood. Assorted stone quartzes, published for increasing vigour, were incorporated into the foundation, and the constitution’s delineation was decisive nailed down the manipulate of I-Ching and Feng-Shui.

The hotel’s founder and actual owner began the modest endeavor with one interval and a throne where Jarish Johari, mentor of Deepak Chopra among others, imparted lectures on oriental teachings and philosophy. Here the Ayurvedic and Tantric health systems were presented for the fundamental date in Mexico.

Over the years the Hotel Loto Azul has evolved and continues to suggestion visitors a correctly encounter with environment, kind advantage and the historical legacy of two universes in one extension.

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